Our Online Backup Solution Offers Superior Security, Reliability And Efficiency.How does PolarVault compare to tape backup?
It restores faster
Research shows that 95% of requests to restore lost data are for small files or individual documents. Using tape, these requests can take at least 30 minutes or longer. With PolarVault, data is centrally stored and typically restored online at LAN speed. Files are quickly and easily located and recovered within a few minutes. It's more convenient Another significant advantage of PolarVault is that it permits multiple backup and recovery tasks to run concurrently. Tapes cannot accommodate requests for a backup during a restore or a restore during the backup process. This feature can be a real time-saver. It's more reliable Tapes can be unreliable and easily damaged. Typically, offsite tapes must be physically retrieved to allow a restore. With PolarVault, data is safely and securely stored offsite on disk. No need to physically pick it up. It frees up IT staff With tape, IT staff spend valuable time performing recoveries for users. With PolarVault, customized permissions allow users to recover their own files. This saves time and money, and lets IT personnel focus on other important business issues. More effective and reliable data protection
When it comes to the actual protection of data, PolarVault beats tape backup hands down! Automatic notification & real-time monitoring
With Tape solutions, it's not uncommon for backup failures to go completely undetected until the next morning. By then, you've probably missed the backup window and yesterday's data isn't protected at all. Compare that to PolarVault, which runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Backups are monitored, and in most cases problems are automatically corrected as they occur. If a problem can't be resolved, or there's an issue that requires administrative attention, the appropriate personnel are notified immediately via email. No media corruption Tape is essentially a fragile medium. Moreover, it isn't encrypted and carries a high risk potential for data corruption or loss. And since only one copy of the data is stored, what happens if that tape is corrupted or lost? How would that data be recovered if needed? In most cases, it wouldn't. PolarVault, on the other hand, compresses, encrypts and de-duplicates data before sending it efficiently over the WAN to be stored, also in encrypted format, on the DS-System storage. Further, for redundancy, data on the DS-System storage and BLM can also be replicated offsite. This is an effective way to plan for Disasters at your data center No human intervention (Low Touch) Service, tape backup routines are often disrupted when key personnel get sick or go on holiday. Since PolarVault is fully automated and requires no daily maintenance, backups continue to run efficiently regardless of staff absences. Immediate OFFSITE backup One of the most critical aspects of the PolarVault service is the fact that all data – after being compressed, de-duplicated and encrypted – is safely transferred immediately to PolarVault's secure offsite data vault. Traditional backup tapes often stay onsite for a day or more and can be destroyed by local disasters like fire or flood, leaving the business with no way to recover lost data More Efficient Use of Internal IT Resources
PolarVault lets your customers get more from their internal IT resources More reliable backups
How effective are backups at remote sites like sales offices or branch plants? With traditional tape backups that are carried out manually there's the possibility of equipment failure and a high risk of human error. Once it's set up, PolarVault is fully automated. The customer identifies the backup sets needed and sets time parameters and data retention rules. The backup procedures then run independently and transparently in the background. No manual input is needed. This ensures virtually no potential for human error. Better use of IT personnel Using a tape-based solution, IT staff is typically required at the site to oversee a recovery, even if it happens after business hours or over the weekend. That's not an effective way to use the time of IT personnel. With PolarVault, the IT staff simply dial-in remotely to recover lost data quickly and easily. More thorough backups One of the biggest challenges companies face is how to effectively backup mobile computers. Laptop users usually disconnect from the network regularly. Traditional tape solutions don't typically account for these users at all. However, with PolarVault, laptops are automatically backed up the next time a user connects to the LAN or the internet. If a scheduled backup is interrupted by a connection failure, it automatically starts from the point where it was interrupted previously, upon the resumption of connectivity. More efficient backups Typically, tape solutions require the backup of ALL data every day, including duplicated files and old data. This wastes both time and backup resources. PolarVault only backs up daily file changes and new files* (the "deltas"). As well, all backed up data is compressed and de-duplicated - common files are only backed up once. This saves time and maximizes resource capacity. Essentially, PolarVault does a full backup the very first time and then does incremental backups forever. Less software needed Tape backups require a lot of agents to be installed on servers across the LAN. That burns up IT time, resources and budget. Thanks to PolarVault's agentless architecture, only one software install is needed to protect all virtual and physical servers, desktops and laptops on the entire LAN. Set it and forget it Tape schedules can routinely be disrupted by tape drive failure, capacity issues and manual errors. However, once the PolarVault schedule is set, it is automatic and will run unattended. *Once the initial backup is completed, all future backups are incremental forever. That is, only block level changes are transmitted over the WAN into the DS-System storage The Cost-Effective Solution
So far, we've seen that PolarVault offers distinct advantages over traditional tape backup. But what about cost?
PolarVault comes up a winner once again! "Pay as you grow" utility pricing
It's built specifically for providing a backup/recovery service, and its unique pricing structure is based strictly on the volume of data stored. There are no license fees, regardless of the number or types of hardware protected. Once the service is set up, the customer pays a predetermined monthly usage fee, based on a dollar (EURO/pounds) per gigabyte rate for storage space used. This model is called the Capacity-Based License Model (CBLM). CBLM gives customers total control over how much data they choose to back up. That lets them predict their backup expense much more accurately. Traditional backup services generally use an Agent-Based License Model (ABLM) that requires the customer to purchase a license or agent software for every piece of hardware they wish to protect. Additionally, PolarVault also provides customers with the ability to align the value of their data with the cost of protecting it. This is achieved through the Backup Lifecycle Manager (BLM). Through the BLM, you can essentially offer multiple tiers of storage to your customer so that less critical/important data can be archived to lower cost storage media. Traditional backup services often contain hidden costs, too. These include hardware and software upgrades, tape library expansions and the cost of additional media. Charges may also be levied for hardware, software licenses, installation and training, management, offsite data courier and tape storage & maintenance. There is only one standard up-front cost with PolarVault. A one-time standard setup charge that covers the cost of installing and setting up the service. From that point on, the only fee the customer ever pays is for actual storage usage. There are no hidden costs anywhere or at any stage in the relationship.
Contact Northstar Network Group to learn more about how Polarvault Cloud Backup & Recovery can improve your business by getting a free, no-obligation network review and consultation!
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